Anti-Mode, Anti-Cancel Sub Setup

This week's discussion continues our quest to find the optimal placement for the subwoofer. We are using a hypothetical room with typical dimensions, in [...]

Anti-Mode, Anti-Cancel Sub Setup2023-03-17T11:35:33-07:00

Bass Trapping and Your Studio

Art Noxon, PE Acoustical is ASC's founder & inventor of the TubeTrap. This week Art discusses trapping bass in our recording studios. Enjoy! Room Acoustic Basics Before considering [...]

Bass Trapping and Your Studio2022-10-14T11:59:51-07:00

Bass Trap Placement

Art Noxon, PE Acoustical is ASC's founder & inventor of the TubeTrap. This week Art discusses bass trap placement in your Hifi room. Enjoy! We’ve been pioneering, [...]

Bass Trap Placement2022-09-30T11:19:07-07:00

Art Tells Why We Need TubeTraps

Art Noxon, PE Acoustical is ASC's founder & inventor of the TubeTrap. This week Art reminds us of the usefulness and purpose of having the TubeTrap as [...]

Art Tells Why We Need TubeTraps2022-09-02T11:45:17-07:00

Your Listening Room & Corner Loaded Bass Trap

Join us this week to read this presentation from the 79th AES Convention by ASC founder, president and TubeTrap inventor, Art Noxon, PE. The main topic is one of [...]

Your Listening Room & Corner Loaded Bass Trap2022-06-24T11:49:51-07:00

Sound Pressure Spikes & Rooms

Read along as ASC founder, president and TubeTrap inventor, Art Noxon, PE shares his knowledge on this technical topic! "For every attack transient... ...there is [...]

Sound Pressure Spikes & Rooms2022-03-25T11:59:34-07:00

Remove a Corner Bass Trap

Remove a Corner Bass Trap and the “Suck-out” Went Away? Thinking you may remove a corner bass trap? This week ASC President and TubeTrap Inventor, [...]

Remove a Corner Bass Trap2022-02-08T11:23:24-08:00

The Power of TubeTraps

We often discuss head-end ringing extensively. Why? Because you can add diffusers, thin wall absorbers, rear wall traps, resonators, and more... but your room [...]

The Power of TubeTraps2022-02-09T10:22:51-08:00
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