Live Sound2024-10-23T12:20:02-07:00

Live Sound

Let’s talk about ASC and live sound. On the stage or at the practice facility performers depend on the surrounding acoustics for cues, synchronization, and envelopment.

Each venue is different — from performance hall size, flooring, seating, stage size, and ensemble configuration. Each of these factors contribute, in some way, to the overall sound the performers hear themselves–and the sound that they project to the audience.

Timing and Cohesion

Both early and late reflections, combined with hall reverberation, affect synchronization and the cohesion of the group. Careful control of these acoustic artifacts can lead to a ‘tighter’ performance, and higher performance satisfaction.

Balanced Reference Cues

While a performer is taking cues from other members of the ensemble, they also must be monitoring their own performance–adjusting volume, timing and tonality dynamically with the group. An optimal balance between their own sound and the rest of the group should be the goal on stage. Too much direct feedback of their own sound, and a performer quickly loses connection with the group. On the other hand, lack of supporting reflections and will often cause overcompensation and balance is quickly lost.


The versatile StudioTrap can be adjusted to either absorb sound or provide diffusive feedback–as needed. It is mounted on a height-adjustable stand to accommodate a variety of configurations for nearly any venue.

Stage Shells & Gobos

We can custom design and manufacture rolling stage shells and gobos for a variety of live sound uses.

  • Touring Groups
  • Concert Halls
  • School Music Departments
  • Churches
  • Drum Shells
pete townsend playing guitar on stage with tubetraps on stage with him

It was my idea to use them [TubeTraps] to try to reduce bass rumble around the drum kit, around the riser, which they do very, very well…

– Pete Townsend, guitarist for The Who?

the who live using asc tubetraps
The Who 10-20-22 Moda Center
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