ASC is proud to receive The Absolute Sound – Editor’s Choice Award 2009!
“Unless you have a professionally designed and treated room, TubeTraps from Acoustic Sciences Corporation are absolutely indispensable to improving your system’s sound. They are extremely able to solve a wide range of acoustic problems with strategic placement and orientation. There are lots of questionable acoustic products on the market, but TubeTraps are the real deal”
Audiophiles & Recording Engineers have relied on the Award-winning TubeTraps to get their room sound just right. The IsoThermal TubeTrap continues this tradition with our new patented technology by delivering twice the bass absorption power, a fully adjustable diffuser with dynamic broadband sound absorption and diffusion. As the acoustic workhorse for solving your room’s sonic problems, the Isothermal TubeTrap offers extended bass absorption and treble range diffusion to help your room sound lively and tight.
Isothermal TubeTraps are modular, self-contained, broadband acoustic absorber/diffusers that improve the quality of music playback. No tricky installation required. Simply place them in the corners of your listening room or studio, and they go to work—giving you a clean musical bass-line, along with added high-frequency ambient sparkle.
Sound is conveyed through waves in the air. Waves that exist between a pair of surfaces can create standing wave resonances whenever the distance between the surfaces is any even multiple of one-half of the wavelength. At resonant frequencies (tones), the sound is louder and decays much more slowly than at non-resonant frequencies, causing uneven tonal quality and interference with clarity. Resonant frequencies occur mainly in the bass range, due to the relationship between the wavelengths of low-frequency sounds and the typical sizes of people’s rooms.
Every room has its associated resonant frequencies. Rooms built using preferred dimensions ratios have potentially more even distributions of these resonant frequencies. Room built with angles walls or ceilings have more complicated resonant modes than typical rectangular rooms and the resonances can be potentially less severe. But, no matter what the size or shape of the room, resonant frequencies can be controlled through the use of bass traps.
“Bass” frequencies occupy all the notes on the left half of the keyboard (Everything below middle C). Since this is such a large portion of the musical spectrum, and because every room has potential resonant frequency problems in this bass range, it is imperative that the low frequencies be the first issue to address in improving any room’s acoustics. Of course, each specific room’s geometry, setup, and application dictate how to best optimize the bass performance. However, there are some general enhancements that can be made using ASC Tube Traps that are sure to offer improvement in any room.