Art Noxon on Room Modes

Art Noxon, PE Acoustical is ASC's founder and president, plus the inventor of the iconic TubeTrap, the world's first portable & modular corner loaded bass trap. [...]

Art Noxon on Room Modes2024-03-08T12:11:52-08:00

ASC Tube Traps & the MATT Test

Hifi room tuning is essential to maximize any Audiophile's listening experience. Read Stereophile's Brian Damkroger's review of TubeTraps & the MATT Test regarding this topic.  Both the TubeTrap [...]

ASC Tube Traps & the MATT Test2023-10-27T12:18:22-07:00

The Ripple Tank Pt. 6

This week we continue our Ripple Tank series with another snippet of an important thesis paper, one that launched the career path of ASC founder, president [...]

The Ripple Tank Pt. 62023-07-07T14:45:46-07:00

PAF 2023 Show Report

Event Recap: ASC at the Pacific Audio Fest 2023 The 2023 Pacific Audio Fest showcased many top HiFi equipment manufacturers and was a wonderful experience [...]

PAF 2023 Show Report2024-04-11T10:08:33-07:00

ASC to Attend PAF 2023

With AXPONA in the rear view mirror, ASC will be attending (in person!) our "local" HiFi show in Seattle, the Pacific Audio Fest 2023, [...]

ASC to Attend PAF 20232023-05-12T11:59:13-07:00

Flutter Tones in Hifi & Home Theater pt. 3

This week, we talk about focused redirection and scattering of sound to improve your listening experience. We conclude the discussion of Flutter Echo/Flutter Tones [...]

Flutter Tones in Hifi & Home Theater pt. 32023-04-28T11:54:28-07:00

Art Tells Why We Need TubeTraps

Art Noxon, PE Acoustical is ASC's founder & inventor of the TubeTrap. This week Art reminds us of the usefulness and purpose of having the TubeTrap as [...]

Art Tells Why We Need TubeTraps2022-09-02T11:45:17-07:00

Listening Room Development pt. 2

Sound Fusion In addition to the steady state condition, where the sound being heard is 10 dB louder than the sound from the speakers is [...]

Listening Room Development pt. 22022-04-29T11:32:20-07:00

Room Breakup

Room Breakup: the Audiophile’s Curse You care deeply about sound quality and the joy it brings. You've gone to great lengths to optimize all the [...]

Room Breakup2022-02-16T12:02:13-08:00
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