
How an AttackWall Works

Published On: January 31, 2020Tags:

How an AttackWall Works, white attackwallStudio Engineers and Musicians: this one is for youi if you’ve wondered How an AttackWall Works! The ASC AttackWall is an acoustic system constructed using StudioTraps and MonitorStacks. The result is nothing short of breathtaking imaging, tight & accurate bass, and increased ability to develop mixes that translate perfectly to other sound systems.

Reduced listening fatigue means you will be able to mix for hours on end. The adjustability of StudioTraps means you can grab a few StudioTraps from the rear array and cut another quick track on the mic!

How the Deluxe AttackWall Works

How an AttackWall Works illustrationThe Deluxe AttackWall features all the advantages of a Standard AttackWall with one added benefit; rear wall control.

The AttackWall absorbs early reflections and lets others escape to become processed into time delayed backfill. Without an ambient tail component in the Energy-Time-Curve, a reflection free recording studio would be exhausting to work in. The AttackWall is setup to vent treble in two ways. Some of the sound escapes over the top and under the bottom of the AttackWall. Other portions pass through the openings to the side and behind the engineer.

illustration of vertical diffusion with studiotraps

Any sound that escapes the AttackWall reflects off the room walls back into the diffusing side of the AttackWall where it is again back splashed towards the wall. By this process a time delayed diffusive backfill of sound bleeds back through the opening in the Wall, over the top and under the bottom. The AttackWall creates an LEDE type mixing environment.

The mix has to be not only good but it has to hang together. To get “the mix” the engineer has to work in a clean and linear acoustic environment. The AttackWall provides just that and one thing more: Consistency. Inside the AttackWall, the sound is the same no matter where it’s set up. That means when you finally do move, your whole studio moves with you. Your electronics and your acoustics. Take a step towards complete control in the mix.

How an AttackWall Works illustration of controlling early reflectionsEarly Reflection Control

The AttackWall wraps around the console and engineer so neatly that very little sound escapes outside of the Wall. Early reflections are controlled within the Walls’ absorptive inner boundaries creating a reflection free zone right in the middle of the room, any room.

The side sections of the AttackWall extend past the bolster of the console and engineer’s head. This casts a huge acoustic shadow onto the wall, eliminating wall reflections and other lateral energy from getting to the mix position. In studios with wall mounted acoustics the wall reflections are usually controlled by absorbing wall panels, but here, sound can’t get to the walls so sound panels aren’t necessary. When lateral wall reflections are eliminated, excellent tonal reproduction and precise imaging is achieved.

A tight pattern of StudioTraps fits between the monitors and a loose pattern of StudioTraps is placed behind the engineer. These intercept and control the reflections off the front and rear walls. At this point, the engineer has created a reflection free zone around the mix position. The technique used here is acoustic shadow casting. Absorption takes place very early, within a few feet of the speakers and long before the early reflections can ever reach the wall. The AttackWall has essentially removed the mix position from the room acoustic.

large grey attackwall and mixing boardSo, now you know how the AttackWall benefits you and the work you love.

How an AttackWall Works

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